• healthy heartWelcome to the Health Department's Homepage

    Mrs. Carrie Crane
    B.S. Athletic Training, Canisius College
    M.S. Physical Education, Hofstra University
    NYS certified in Health

    The Health Education curriculum is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills to lead a healthy and fulfilling life.  One of main components in the course is the understanding that prevention is the key to wellness.  Students will be able to take each unit and see how it relates to their mental/emotional, social, and physical health.  Through this, they will be able to evaluate their own health and see how the decisions they make can have short and long term effects on their lives. The overall goal of the health curriculum is to improve the quality of life through knowledge, prevention, and practice.
    For more information on each course, please click on the appropriate class on the left side of the screen!

    While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
    ~Ben Franklin