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    Welcome to the Curtiss Elementary Music Homepage

     K-3 Music Instruction & 3-6 Grade Chorus
    Tom Mitchell
    The General Music curriculum for the first through sixth grades has been organized to develop an appreciation and understanding of the fundamentals of music through a multisensory approach to the basic skills and knowledge. To accomplish this, work is done in the areas of singing, moving and non-moving rhythmic response, listening, creative activity, and music reading and composing.


    Instrumental music instruction is offered to students beginning in fourth grade and consists of one 30-minute lesson per week throughout the school year and four weeks of optional, tuition-based summer instruction. Many skills are involved in playing a musical instrument. Among them are: music reading, familiarity with a particular instrument, knowledge of fingering, technique, and emotional involvement. Repeated practice is needed for students to be successful.

    Instrumental students are required to play in one of our two bands. This allows them to be a contributing part of a performing musical organization and exposing them to the broad spectrum of music available at this level.